Nicole Milford Real Estate Group

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April Home Maintenance

Well… the weather finally decided that spring should come.. and I think we all may just need to remember this April that “April Showers Bring May Flowers”

Each month we try to remind you of items to complete around your home in order to maintain it properly. This not only helps it not seem so overwhelming as things happen, but it also helps to keep it in great condition if you were to ever sell.

Check Carbon Monoxide & Smoke Detectors

Did you know that inspectors suggest that you change out your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors every 10 years? If you’re at that point in your home, I’d suggest thinking about swapping them. If you aren’t, then double check them and work on getting the batteries replaced to keep your family safe!

Clean Windows & Screens

The worst is when you can’t see out your windows because of the dirt and grime build up. Get out there and get them cleaned, or contact us for some great companies to help with the job!

Clean Your Toaster

You read that right. Pull it out. Dump out the crumbs and give it a clean.

Power Wash Your Deck and Driveway

This task is always interesting… at least for me. It’s amazing how much dirt and grime come up off of both the deck and the concrete. Remember don’t put the power washer too close as you can damage the surface though! With your deck, if it’s wood, take a lesson from me.. don’t be lazy and remember to re-stain it. We also can recommend companies to help you with this too!

Each month we try to give you tips and tricks to keep on your home maintenance. Doing things each month of the years seems to make it less overwhelming. Let us know how it goes this month!

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