January Home Maintenace

Can you believe it’s already January of 2023. I don’t know if it’s my age or if time is really speeding up, but it seems like the years are flying by. I mean it was almost three years ago that we were buckled down in our homes in March for Covid. That seems like it was yesterday.

That said, we wanted to provide you some tips and tricks for January Home Maintenance.

Start Fresh

This month is all about the organization. Starting fresh with a clean slate of decluttering, organizing and more.

My opinion is start with an area that is giving you a lot of anxiety. A place that you have been watnting to tackle but can’t quite get there.

Going through your items, getting rid of all the broken things, torn things or simply unused things may mean that you get rid of trash bags of items. If you have kids, this is a good time to go through books and work with your kids on donating items.

Cleaning our your pantry is also on this list. Typically when I go through, I want to write the expiration dates in permanent market on the items that I don’t go through as quickly. This gives me the ability to pull one and work from the closest to the furthest away on the dates. Also, it’s a great time to get rid of the bags of stale chips, crackers, etc that were opened a month or two ago.

You may be the person that takes your tree down right after Christmas, or maybe you are the person that takes it down sometimes in January. There is no right or wrong, but when you decide to make the move, store your items safely to ensure that nothing gets broken for the next year.

An easy task on this list is the water/ice maker filters. These should just be a quick change of the filter in a minute or two and you can move on. If you struggle with finding your filter, shoot me a message and I’ll reach out to help you ASAP.


Finally, while none of us like to thing of bad things happening like a fire, tornado, burglary, etc., it is always a good idea to prepare for them. This is why we suggest creating a home inventory list. Document the items within your home in case something bad did happen. Store the inventory list in a safe place or take pictures and email them and the list to yourself for future reference if you were to need it. This item may take a little longer, but again… remember go one by one to each station and it’ll be completed for that “just in case” scenario.

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Home Organization Tips