Nicole Milford Real Estate Group

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Home Organization Tips

We are here to help you with some tips and tricks to help maintain your home, create organization and keep up on the never ending “To Do” list.

I didn’t stop there, as I was determined to get the 1st floor completed. I’d seen a ton of Instagram posts on organizing kids games. We have a certain 3 year old in the house right now that takes pieces of the games and hides them in her room, in her dolls stroller, in random bags and who knows where else. That said, I wanted to do an inventory of the games to ensure that we had the pieces. Anything we didn’t have the correct pieces for was thrown away and the rest went into these bags. They make it easy for the kids to pull just one out, put things back and rezip the bag. You don’t have to worry about broken boxes anymore. It was another sigh of relief that I got this portion organized.

I also went through the kids clothes, the craft closet and then also organized all the extra cords and such for the devices in the house using the same boxes I used in the kitchen junk drawer.

Even though I got rid of multiple trash bags of items (which felt good), I still feel like I have so much more to do. I’m trying to enter into 2023 with the mindset of less is more. We don’t need a ton extra, as it just creates anxiety for all of us. Plus, my kids seem to be pros at taking things and hiding them under their beds. It’s like they think I won’t crawl underneath there to clean it out.

I’m not quite done and will post updates of other products that I find that are helpful for my family as I come across them!

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