January Home Maintenance

Do these simple tasks to stay on top of your home and to help minimize needs for fixing items sooner than needed.

Clean Your Wardrobe Clutter & Donate

This is one of those tasks that always makes me feel both great and anxious at the same time. Did I get rid of enough, did I get rid of too much, will I wear that again? A great tip I learned years ago was to take all of your hangers and put them on the rod backwards. Anything that is still on the wrong way, you have not worn in the last year, so you can donate it. I have found it really helpful. Also, recently I asked my husband to go through my closet and get set aside anything that he thought didn’t look great. That was super helpful. I kept only 2 items of what he pulled.

Go through your kids today & donate unused and trash broken ones.

I am sure that I am not the only person that finds this task daunting. First, you have to do it when the kids aren’t around…. as if they are around it is almost guaranteed that 1/2 the stuff you wanted to get rid of you now keep. Now that being said, I try to do this a few times a year. I have gotten rid of some items too early that they then have curiosities about later, but that is ok. I’m in the mode of getting rid of more items and decluttering, as it creates a bit less stress for me personally.

Clean Out Your Pantry

Write dates on canned goods, especially the ones that you don’t use as often. Make mental notes of what you have an try to eat the items that are going to expire soon. If you have solid shelves, wipe them down, get it cleaned out!

Take Down & Store Your Holiday Decor

This is the same as the other items. Put it away, if it is broken, get rid of it or fix it on the spot. Organize so that it is easy to put things back out next year.

Change Water & Ice Maker filters

Our fridge typically tells us when we need to do this, but in case you held down that reset button instead of changing it, now it is the time to get a new one.

Clean Tub & Sink Drains

I do this on our kitchen sink a few times. We have a garbage disposal and I’ll stick a SOFT cut up lemon down it and turn on the disposal to clean it. I’ll then use a baking soda and vinegar to clean the rest.

Compile a Home Inventory List for a Just In Case Situation

We all don’t like to think of bad situations, but if something like a natural nature event (think tornado) was to happen, do you have a list of your important items in your home? If not, now is the time to consider it.

Each month we try to give you tips and tricks to keep on your home maintenance. Doing things each month of the years seems to make it less overwhelming. Let us know how it goes this month!


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February Home Maintenance


December Home Maintenance