October Home Maintenance
Can you believe that it is already October? I feel, personally, that 2023 has flown by in the blink of an eye. That said, I am looking forward to the holiday season coming up. To do that, I know that I need to be on top of my home maintenance as we typically do end up having family and friends over during the holiday season.
We can’t emphasize it enough… staying on top of these items each month, simply just keeps the to do list under control. It’ll help if you choose to sell your home and it’ll also keep your home in the best shape possible to ensure that you do not end up with larger problems.
Winterize Sprinkler System
Whether you do this yourself or you hire a company (we use Lake Irrigation), it is extremely important to winterize your sprinkler system. You don’t want burst pipes when you turn it back on in the spring.
Remove Exterior Hoses
We remove our exterior hoses and make sure all of the water is out of them. We also turn off the water supply to to the outside spigots as well and make sure to run the water out of the spigot itself too .
Clean Gutters & Downspouts
It can be a daunting task, but it is extremely important to move water and ice and snow away from your roof and your foundation. Make sure they are clean to help insure you don’t have problems this winter.
Check Fire Extinguishers and Safety Kit
First thing is first… October is Fire Safety Awareness Month. Do you have a fire extinguisher at home? If so, has it been serviced and tested? The National Fire Protection Association has some great information on this detailed HERE. Also, do you have a safety kit in your house? Have you restocked it from the summer? Now is the perfect time to do this.
Clean Washer, Dryer & Dishwasher
Yes, these items clean our clothes and dishes, but it is also important to keep them clean too. Dryer - Take out the lint tray, vacuum it out, clean out the hose to make sure to get debris out of there too. Washer - Run an empty, regular cycle on hot with auto soak on using two cups of white vinegar instead of detergent. Add the vinegar to the detergent dispenser. Scrub inside when done. Run a hot water cycle again. Dishwasher - Take out any parts that come out and soak and scrub them in the sink. Run the dishwasher on hot with a cup of white vinegar, skip the drying cycle and crack the door open to let it air dry. Take out the filter in the bottom of the dishwasher and clean with warm soapy water. Wipe down outside of the filter area inside dishwasher and replace the filter.
Clean and Inspect Your Fireplace
I always recommend to hire professionals to do this job. Recently I’ve had a few clients use Judd & Sons and they have been happy..
Clean and Protect Outdoor Furniture
Before you turn off your hoses, give your cushions a good scrubbing before you cover them for the winter. Make sure to buy durable outdoor covers for all of your outdoor furniture.
Each month we try to give you tips and tricks to keep on your home maintenance. Doing things each month of the years seems to make it less overwhelming. Let us know how it goes this month!
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