Nicole Milford Real Estate Group

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October Home Maintenance

Doing these simple items can help you keep your house in great condition through the years!

Be honest with yourself…. how many items do you do each month to stay on top of your home maintenance?

Clean Gutters and Downspouts

Make sure they are free and clear of debris so that as the weather changes and we start to get snow, that the water has somewhere to properly flow.

Clean Washer, Dryer, & Dishwasher

This one is a quick one. Run everything on a cycle without anything in the machine for the dishwasher and washer. I use vinegar and baking soda on a hot cycle to get the machines clean. I also double check the trap at the bottom of the dishwasher and clean it out and double check my salt in the machine (have hard water, our dishwasher has a area for salt in it). On the dryer, I go through to clean out the line and make sure that it is free and clear of debris… no house fires needed over here.

Clean & Inspect your fireplace

This is especially important if you have a traditional or a gas fireplace. Call a company (need one, let me know), and get them out to clean and inspect it before you start to use it in the colder season.

Clean & Protect Outdoor Furniture

Get it pulled in and covered up while the weather is still warm. This will help for it to last for many years to come.

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