Nicole Milford Real Estate Group

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Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions... AKA CC&R's

We receive so many calls of buyers that don't want to be in an HOA. There are several communities that do not have an HOA, but many of the #newconstruction communities in the area do.

The covenants tell you what you can and cannot do on the outside of your property. Can you put in an above ground pool, or only in ground? Can you park an RV outside your property? What happens if you leave your trash cans out all week. These are all things that may be found in the CC&R's.

The purpose is to "maintain" the integrity of the community... and most often they do. In townhouse, cottage style, or duplex communities, they also indicate what is cared for outside of the property as well. In non-maintenance free communities, they may only be a yearly charge. #covenants can be good or bad depending on your preference.

If you are in a community with CC&R’s, you should always check with your board before doing anything on the outside of your home, such as adding in a deck, pergola, extended driveway, changing the colors of your home, etc. It’s better to be on the safe side than the sorry side with fines or the requirement to take something down.

Always ask your realtor for more information in regards to the CC&R’s if you have questions. They will definitely help answer, or will be happy to ask questions to get an answer.

Now if you want chickens, that may be beyond the CC&R regulations and may be up to the city/county that you are purchasing in. If that is something you are wanting, let your REALTOR know right away.

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