Nicole Milford Real Estate Group

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In the state of Indiana, you have the option in a purchase agreement to ask for a

  • Boundary Survey

  • Survey Location Report

  • Waive the Option for Survey

That said, you may be wondering what each of these items are and how they can affect the purchase of your property. Lets start with a survey location report. The reason being is that if you order a boundary survey you will receive one plus some extra.

A survey location report is a drawing of your property by a professional surveying company. It indicates the lot lines, distances to each corner, easements and encroachments. If you have a well & septic it will often show the location of these items on the land.

A boundary survey is a type of survey in which the company will come out and put stakes int eh ground for the border of your property lines. Again, this is good for knowledge so you ensure whatever improvements you plan on making to the property stay on your own property.

Now you can also waive this in the purchase agreement. Many times we see this item being waived in multiple offers or on townhomes or duplexes where you cannot have a fence, or if the yard is already fully fenced.

Now, in Illinois, a boundary survey is a part of the purchase agreement and is done each time a house is bought or sold. For sellers you can always offer up your previous copy to see if a buyer will accept it.

If you have any other questions, simply reach out via email to or call me at 630-251-3082!

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