When Do Contracts Fall Through?
Having a contract fall through, whether you are the buyer or the seller can be devastating.
Here are a few reasons why you may see a home come back on the market. Usually depending on the time frame, a REALTOR can assess the reasons why it may happen. We can always reach out or check the agent notes in the MLS for more details also!
Inspection Results - Unless the contract was marked for no inspection, even with an AS IS addendum, the buyer can have the right to walk away from a contract due to inspection. If it is a normal inspection negotiation and the buyer and seller cannot come to an agreement, either party can walk away also.
Home Didn't Appraise - If the home came in under value from the contract price and buyer and seller could not negotiate to move forward, either party can back out.
Loan Denial - This can happen if for some reason the buyer can no longer qualify for the loan. This could be due to finances, or a job loss. Many different things can happen to cause a loan denial
Contract Contingencies - If the buyer is contingent on selling another home and they cannot sell or do not sell in the time frame listed in your contract, the deal can potentially fall through.
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